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Ashita no Ma-Joe: Rocky Macbeth

About KPR


There are three witches waiting there.

Macbeth is also there, in the hearts of greedy people.

The voices of the witches are the voices inside Macbeth’s heart.


Even after Macbeth is long gone and another champion arises,the witches won’t stop whispering prophecies to the next Macbeth.All of the dead Macbeths await the arrival of anew Macbeth to enter the ring.

We also have been believing in a false sense of securitythat is nothing more than a prophecy.

The Birnam Wood has already started to move.
What will the witches whisper to us,the people who have been pretending not to notice?


What will we whisper to the future Macbeths to come?




04/2020 Yokohama/Japan WAKABACHO WHARF
05/2019 New York/USA Japan Society AUDITORIUM
02/2018 Sapporo/Japan Theater BLOCH
08/2017 Tokyo/Japan Theater Rakuen
02/2017 Tokyo/Japan Theater Rakuen


©2021 KPR/開幕ペナントレース

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